Meet Gary Sahlin

Military Vet

Served honorably in the United States Navy


Lived out my dream of becoming a police officer

Meet the Author, Gary Sahlin


Spent way too much time inside federal prisons

Author and Blogger

Author of Good Cop, Bad Criminal: Becoming a Cop, a Criminal and Life on Both Sides of the Law

Military Veteran

Served honorably in the United States Navy

Former Police Officer

Lived out my dream of protecting and serving the community I lived in

Author and Blogger

Author of Good Cop, Bad Criminal: Becoming a Cop, a Criminal and Life on Both Sides of the Law


Served way too much time in federal prisons

Read the first chapter for free

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Good Cop, Bad Criminal Blog

The Dark Triad: The Criminal Enigmatic Traits

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In the shadowy realm of psychological analysis, a peculiar cluster of traits has emerged collectively known as the Dark Triad. Comprising psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism, these eerie characteristics paint a disturbing portrait of individuals who possess a penchant for manipulation, deceit and a startling lack of empathy. In this exploration, we will delve into the fascinating depths of the Dark Triad, examining the unique features that define it and shedding light on the notorious figures…

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Criminal Profiling Secrets: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Criminal Mind

150 150 GoodCopBadCriminal

The world of criminal profiling is a captivating realm that offers unique insights into the perplexing minds of unknown perpetrators. Through meticulous analysis of crime scenes, victimology, and offender behavior, experts in the field of criminal justice strive to construct comprehensive psychological profiles that shed light on the motivations and characteristics of criminals. In this article, we will embark on a journey into the intriguing world of criminal profiling, exploring its secrets and the crucial…

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10 Facts About Criminal Minds That Will Leave You Speechless!

150 150 GoodCopBadCriminal

Every week we are going to delve into the intriguing world of criminal minds. From twisted motives to complex psychology, the world of criminals and their behavior has always fascinated us. In this post, we bring you 10 mind-blowing facts about the criminal world that may challenge your perceptions about crime. Brace yourself for a journey into the dark and mysterious corners of the human psyche. 1. The Banality of Evil: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Crimes…

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